Injuries, health issues, personal commitments, and burnout are common reasons why practitioners take a break from jiu jitsu. Recovery from injuries often requires time and rest, and it's crucial to prioritize healing to prevent further complications. Life events such as family responsibilities, work commitments, and other personal obligations can necessitate a temporary break from training. Additionally, overtraining, lack of progress, or losing motivation can lead to burnout, requiring a mental and physical break from the mats.
Returning to jiu jitsu after a break comes with its own set of challenges. Regaining physical fitness and conditioning is one of the main hurdles, as time away from the mats can result in decreased strength, endurance, and flexibility. Technical rust is another challenge, as jiu jitsu is a highly technical sport, and time away can lead to a decline in technique and timing. Mental barriers, such as fear of injury, self-doubt, and anxiety about fitting back into the academy's community, can also make the return process seem daunting.